Sunday, November 18, 2007

one of those nights...

We spent the day in Connecticut celebrating the 50th anniversary of J's parents yesterday. Though we live only live 2 hours away, it still takes me a bit by surprise at how it throws off Riley's sleep schedule, even when he sleeps at his normal times during the day. Here's a rundown of what happened with Riley after we left:

(all times are approximate...)

7:30 leave Grandpa & Grandma's; Riley asleep within minutes.

10:00 arrive home, Riley wakes up when we open the car door. After a quick change, he's laid in bed, given blanket and bink.

10:30 Riley talking and rolling over to tummy. I'm still nervous about tummy sleeping, so I roll him back and rub his back for couple minutes to try and calm him.
10:45 same as above

11:00 same as above
11:15 same as above
11:30 Dad goes in and rocks Riley. Riley appears asleep, dad puts him in bed, Riley wakes up and turns into high-energy boy, kicking and flailing his arms (sigh).
Midnight Riley brought into our bed to calm him before putting him back in his own bed. Gets fussy. Given 4oz bottle which seems to help relax him.
gets squirmy after finishing bottle and starts talking up a storm.
1:30 In one last act of desparation, I grab the unused-as-of-late swing and haul it into his bedroom (the warmest room in the house). Put him in swing in hopes that it will be the magic bullet.
1:45 Riley still talking; I go to the kitchen to clean up dishes so my awake time is more productive.
2:30 Hearing no sound from the bedroom, I find Riley asleep in the swing. He's carefully put into his crib and I head off to bed....finally.

All in a night's work. I'm glad these times only come once in awhile.

This morning, he ate a good breakfast of cereal, turnips & carrot puree and finished off with mom's homemade cinnamon applesauce. He makes all sorts of noise when he eating -- happy noises. On a normal morning (when I'm up at 6am to feed him) he's so loud that J has to put in the earplugs. Since we all woke up late today, I was able to capture some of this on video as J was giving him breakfast:

Have book, apples & food mill -- have yummy applesauce:

We love our good-eatin' boy!


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