Tuesday, November 13, 2007

rolling over

Riley’s been able to roll over from his back to his front since he was 4 months, but after learning to do it, he seemed to lose interest in it. Well, he’s back to doing it every time I put him on his back and go into the kitchen to get food ready for him. I’ll hear this sound – a cross between a grunt and whine and find him on his tummy, burying his face into the blanket, hollering for me to rescue him. He’s fast at turning over and knows now how to pull his inside arm out from under himself. He uses the maneuver to grab a toy that’s lying on the blanket.

This morning, I heard him talking at 5:30 am and waited until it got closer to 6 to go in and get him. I started hearing those familiar “belly sounds” and sure enough, he was on his tummy:

That’s a first time he’s done it in the bed and he did it again at the start of one of his naps. I just hope he’ll learn to relax and sleep with his head turned sideways – I try and help him to that position and he won’t have it. He likes his side much better.

I caught a little video of him rolling over today and was amused to see him improvise at getting his toy when it was slightly out of reach by grabbing the blanket and moving the toy towards him:

Since he shows no inclination to move himself toward his toys, I think crawling will be delayed a bit with this kid. With my job and my studying for a professional exam – we have little time to keep the floors clean, so it’s not something I’m rushing anyways. He’ll be walking soon enough.


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