Tuesday, November 6, 2007

sippy cups

Riley’s figuring out the sippy cup I bought him about a week ago. As he’s into biting his bink now he tries to bite the spout of the cup, but eventually sucks a little bit. I let him practice a little each day, but he still mainly biting it.

He’s getting better at eating solids as I try and give him a little each day so he gets used it. His tongue still thrusts out from time to time or just gets in the way when I’m trying to feed him but he can down a couple of ounces in 10 min or so. He doesn’t like plain rice cereal, but if I put a little organic applesauce in it, he’s good to go. As I have time, I try and puree a few other things like bananas, avocado & sweet potato and he’s been agreeable so far. I just bought a book called “Top 100 Baby Purees” which has a lot of good ideas that I can’t wait to start trying.

We love our good-eatin’ boy!


Wed morning PS: I tried pureed sweet potatoes and rutabega and he downed 4oz in 10 min, so apparently the speed at which he eats is dependent upon his enjoyment of the flavor...

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