Friday, November 9, 2007

the last bottle

When the inevitable stress of work reduced my milk supply I had to adjust my plans of b/f Riley for a year down to six months. I’ve been watching my supplies dwindle rapidly over the past 8 weeks or so and it looked like I might not make it to his six month. Alas, 2 weeks shy of Riley’s 6 month mark, I’m feeding him the last bottle of mama milk. It’s sad, but I know that I did my best under the circumstances and that he can thrive with formula and solids, just as I did at his age.

In my usual fashion, I’ve mourned this loss already, so now that it’s here I’m able to deal with it. I am contemplating the upside of this unchosen circumstance – I’ll have a less bottle cleanup work each night and my coffee table won’t be decorated with pump items and milk drippings. Not to mention having one less bag to carry to and from work (I had 4: pump, laptop, gym bag and lunch bag).

Riley’s doing great with his morning solids. He likes rice cereal with anything sweet in it – applesauce, sweet potato, banana etc. Just gobbles it right down and feedings are going faster now that he’s getting the hang of it. Now, if he could keep his milk down instead of spitting it up all over himself and us, we’d have it made. I’m not one to push him to the next level as I’m enjoying his current stage of life, but I have to admit I’ll be very happy when the spit-up phase is over.

We love our Riley-boy!


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