Saturday, August 2, 2008

those crazy days of summer

Our daycare is closed for 2 1/2 weeks, which affords two of our CTK friends the opportunity to watch Riley and for me to adjust my hours at work from 6am to 2pm. This adjusted schedule started on July 23rd with Jenn Kyes stepping in as Riley's caregiver for the past 8 working days. Next week, Jenn White will be watching him. We're so grateful for their help as Diane is recovering from outpatient surgery.

With my modified schedule, I was able to play a little more with my boy this past week. That is, until both of us came down with pinkeye last Tuesday. Riley still had energy, just gunk in his eyes while I had both pinkeye and some other head cold that laid me out flat for the rest of the week. I knew that parenting would be toughest when I'm sick and not able to nap as I needed. Poor kid, he had to endure being gated in the living room with me on the sofa. Just to ensure I was paying attention, he'd come over periodically and smack me on the upper body to get my attention if I was falling asleep. I think I'm finally beginning to turn a corner today, thankfully.

Before the tale of sickness unfolded, here's what we were up to earlier this week:

Riley played in the back yard with Jack and Gracie, our neighbor's kids.

We went to the park and Riley showed no fear of grass as long as he has shoes on and doesn't have to touch it directly.

When he did fall, he had this look on his face -- one of uncertainty. He would not get up unless I helped him up. No way was he going to touch that grass!

Then, he found his new walker... he enjoyed being on the back side of the stroller.

I haven't managed to get a good picture of Riley walking, but will try to do so soon. Suffice it to say, he's getting along quite well and shows a lot of confidence in that arena.

Now this is a picture you don't see much, but its a regular thing we experience here in the Berg household. Now that Riley's older and has more opinions about what he wants to do with himself, I get "pushback" from him when he doesn't get his way. These little crying episodes last about 10 seconds on average and they happen all day long. He gets distracted and then its over. I wasn't sure how I'd react when my kid started crying on a daily basis like other normal kids. Didn't take long to just roll with it -- sometimes I tune it out, sometimes I comfort him, sometimes I say "Sorry Charlie!" and find him a new thing to play with. Just thought I'd share that photo for the rest of the moms who wondered when he'd start sporting a new attitude...ha.

Within minutes, Riley was happily playing in his pool.

I wondered if he'd get over his early fear of the water and I can tell you he has. He loves being in the water and when we're at the wading pool he'll put his face in purposefully. Gotta get that kid in some swimming lessons soon!

Here's hoping that next week will have more days-of-fun and less days-of-illness so we can get outdoors and enjoy these waning summer days.



Anonymous said...

Pinkeye sucks. It's that simple.

Are you using antibiotic eye drops? Putting those in your kid's eye -- or trying to, anyway -- sucks almost as bad as pinkeye itself, but that stuff will knock the pinkeye out in a matter of hours. Won't do much for your headcold though.

Shelby said...

Yes & Yes. I suspect that Riley's pinkeye may have been viral as it didn't respond immediately to the antibiotic. Mine did, but came with the head cold (that has moved into the chest). J and I have masted a two-person technique of getting the eye gel into Riley's eyes. When we have to do it alone, we're not real confident it's getting in there.

Pinkeye does suck.

Unknown said...

Shelby - coming into the area for a couple of days this week for work. Do you have time for a cup of Coffee on Wednesday evening?