Sunday, November 11, 2007

sick boy

Riley didn’t have quite as much energy today as yesterday. The virus was affecting him more today and although at times he was his usual sunny self, he was having more times where he was crying, moaning or otherwise showing that he felt like crap. Poor kid. He napped on and off all day. His last nap was for about 90 minutes on daddy’s shoulder since he needed the comfort of a parent holding him in order to keep from crying. Here’s some video post-nap:

His being sick is tough for me. I’m the ‘healer’ in the family and also the one who feels compelled to make things ‘all right’. Although I’ve adjusted Riley I can’t just make him better. His body is taking care of that. It’s excruciating to see him suffering. It’s not something like when he’s hungry (I can feed him) or when his diaper is wet (I can change him.) All I can do is hold him and rock him, telling him quietly that I love him and I know he feels crappy. Somehow it doesn’t feel like enough.

I wish I did faith healing.

Oh well, we’ll just have to do it the old fashioned way and wait for his body to take care of it. Thankfully God designed a good healing mechanism in there. In the mean time mom & dad will give all the comfort we can.

I’ve heard it said that love is when you care more about someone else’s welfare than your own. Uh huh. One more lesson my son has taught me about what it means to love. I wish that I could take on this cold for him.

I love my boy.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hope he feels better.